Thursday, February 24, 2011

Show Season

Art shows are all about showing off your talent and work, so I guess that makes me kind of nervous. Like, if I don't get into any shows than it means I don't have talent? I think thats what makes me the most worried because if I don't succeed at doing something I was previously very confident about, then I just feel like crap afterwards. The thing I do like about show season is seeing artists' work from all over central Illinois. Seeing other students' art gets me really inspired. It's interesting to see new techniques and art forms created by other people.

If I had to choose my top pieces, I think they would be my Chiaroscuro, Word art picture, or my self portrait. I think they would do the best because they convey more emotion and meaning than some of my other work, but that's just my opinion of my own work. I'd want to hear what other people thought my best work was.

I don't believe any of my pieces are better or worse than anyone else's in class, because art is different for everyone. No one's art will ever look the exact same as another person's, so it's almost impossible to compare someone like a cartoonist and a watercolor painter and decide whose work is better. I just doesn't work.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Don't know what to blog about

Sooo..I guess i'll just blog about nothin in particular. Probably about college.

I applied to Webster University in the summer, and got accepted into the school (yay). Now I just have to get accepted into the art program. I leave thursday afternoon with Bre for our reviews on friday morning. I've been working hard this year (kind of), but couldn't ever stick to one idea for a concentration or have a piece that I was fully happy with. And now, i'm super worried I won't get into the art program. Like REALLY worried to the point of irrational fear. It's kind of crazy, but I get really worked up over important things like this to the point of being terrified. And it shouldn't be a big deal that it's just another college, but i'm just weird like that and it's pretty much the only college I want to go to. If I don't get in, i'm stuck at ICC for a year, which I frankly don't want. I keep telling myself that it'll be fine, and that I have some good pieces but then I just start bugging out about things I should have maybe done like have less photographs, or more sketches, or more conceptual pieces.

I don't know how i'll do, and I know i'm being completely paranoid, but i'm hoping that I on't end up having terrible work annd not get in.

Soo ya.