Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New semester, Same Ol' Bloggin

1. I have 9 breadth pieces, and only 5 concentration pieces :(
2. I need to work managing my time and brainstorming project ideas. I'm terrible at those 2
3. My favorite time in portfolio was the beginning of the year, because I was caught up on everything and wasn't losing sleep and sanity yet.
4. I learned that I don't really have much of a concentration, because I don't like focusing on just one topic. I like to just do whatever I feel like doing, so I need to work a lot on my concentration this semester
5. I usually just have to be told enough times to do something o get me to do it. Also helping with ideas doesn't hurt. Probably a good idea not to be so lenient, because then I fall even further behind..


  1. I agree with your #5. It is so hard coming up with ideas out of nowhere. If I am given I topic I can easily come up with ideas and direction I want to go with for my art.

  2. I feel ya on the "don't have much of a concentration" thing that's for sure! I as well have a hard time staying on one topic because my brain goes all over the place. I have recently attempted to conjure up a solid concentration that relates to all my pieces, so we will have to see how it works out this semester!

  3. I love your #4. That's how i felt about my work before i changed my concentration to something that is somewhat broad.

  4. 1) quite frowning, i only have 4 concentration pieces. . .we just gotta step up our game
    2) eh, let's just quit Khoury's and work on art all the time.
    3) Solution to losing sleep and sanity - Drink Lots of Coffee!!!
    4)I like the motion photograph concentration:)
    5)I agree with the leniency thing, we shouldn't have it at all after our procrastination last semester lol

  5. Molly!!!!
    I completely understand "I don't really have much of a concentration, because I don't like focusing on just one topic." I feel the same way i love just creating and i think thats why i have over 40 breadth pieces. I need to chill out on those i think after i finish this last one. I need more ideas for abuse on women by men. and i need models hahaha well anyway i'm right their with you on the i wanna do what i want boat so feel free to bounce ideas off me if you'd like.
