Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Umm..Don't Be Stupid.

Am I just missing something?? I don't see these as controversial at all. I think they're just very innovative and creative. The Picasso piece and Gustave Klimt portrait don't seem controversial at all. They just look like ordinary pieces of art to me. We've all seen nude paintings before and so what if it doesn't look finished? No one said you HAD to like it. I just don't see what the big deal is.

I would definitely buy that shark piece, it's pretty freaking fantastic. People are just too sensitive and have to find things to complain about.

Althoughhhh...I do think that the last artist is a little awkward, but it's art, it's ok for it to be weird. And just because He mass prodces his art doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Salvador Dali mass produced his signature and sold it to people but no one really complains about him. Honestly people let's grow up.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's kind of funny that some people get really sensitive about art and worry about it, so it becomes a controversy. I bet the artist finds it comical too, and that's probably why he made it, to do something against the norm and stir up a little discrepancy.
